Appetite Explorer

Discovering Markel Canada's vast underwriting appetite is made simple with the Appetite Explorer.

Brokers can assess their client's business and determine whether a business risk aligns before taking steps to put together an application. Our aim is to save you time and make doing business with Markel Canada an easy choice.

In just a few clicks, you will know if we can offer a competitive business solution and will be able to begin the submission process within the explorer.

Start exploring by searching an industry name, keyword, or IBC code below.

Search by industry, keyword or IBC code

This tool provides you with indicative information about Markel Canada’s risk appetite based on the details you submit. Your submission and matching risk appetite information is then sent to our underwriting team for further assessment. Information provided by Markel in respect of any submissions is subject to change and is not a quote or an offer or guarantee to provide insurance cover. You should not place any reliance on such information and Markel is not liable for any loss that you or any connected person may incur in doing so. Once we receive your submission and matched information, we will review and respond to you in due course. Please note that Markel reserves all discretion in deciding whether, and on what terms, to offer insurance cover.